Posted 7/8/2016 7:16:06 AM by Mo

A little inpiration from Robin Williams

Posted 7/8/2016 2:00:59 PM by Mo

Office workflow for while I'm away : Should I Call Mo?

Posted 7/11/2016 10:15:05 AM by Mo

Heading out to pick up the RV!

Posted 7/11/2016 12:25:07 PM by Mo

Hello, new home!

More pictures to follow...

Posted 7/11/2016 12:30:06 PM by Ilana

Departing RV rental place

Posted 7/11/2016 12:45:03 PM by Mo

Driving RV for the first time

Posted 7/11/2016 1:35:06 PM by Mo

RV interior

Posted 7/11/2016 2:05:07 PM by Mo

Rabbi Ralbag giving kashering instructions

Posted 7/11/2016 5:15:07 PM by Mo

A picture of my home-to-be from my home

Posted 7/11/2016 9:56:22 PM by Ilana

Neighborhood night activity

Posted 7/12/2016 9:20:03 AM by Mo

Moshe's tour of the RV

Posted 7/12/2016 11:35:05 AM by Mo

10 lbs of ice is nowhere near as much as it sounds like

Posted 7/12/2016 1:35:06 PM by Mo

And we're outta here!

...are we there yet?

Posted 7/12/2016 8:00:09 PM by Mo

RV lesson #1 : what happens when you don't fully close the fridge

Posted 7/12/2016 8:20:09 PM by Mo

RV lesson #2 : electric hookup

Posted 7/12/2016 8:30:09 PM by Mo

RV lesson #3 : water hookup (eventually)

Posted 7/12/2016 9:12:20 PM by Mo

Twins happy to be in their alcove above the driver

Posted 7/12/2016 9:12:30 PM by Mo

Good night, little boys

Posted 7/12/2016 9:32:10 PM by Mo

Which kid do those toes belong to?

I'll give you a hint: it's Akiva.

Posted 7/12/2016 9:50:13 PM by Mo

Day #1 Recap

Today we left home and headed to Lebanon, PA (not far from Hershey PA). We got out a tiny bit later than we wanted, but when you are leaving home for 2 weeks, you can't just rush out. Clothing needs to be packed, food needs to be prepared, sporting equipment needs to be chosen etc etc. 6 people for 10 days = 60 pairs of underpants. That's a lot of underpants. Ilana quarterbacked the packing effort, and did an amazing job. The only thing we seem to have forgotten are plastic table cloths, so all in all I'd say she did really well.

Driving the RV was pretty easy once I got off local streets. On the highway, changing lanes was a bit of a challenge, but I got the hang of it once we spent a little more time on the highway. The drive is also pretty smooth. Ilana was tired, so she actually went into the master bedroom for a nap while I pounded out 100 miles.

We got to the RV park a little later than we wanted and it was after dark, so honestly I have no idea what the outside looks like. We'll try to get some pictures in the morning. I had a bit of trouble with the water hookup (no poop cleaning just yet), but got it sorted out pretty quickly. Apparently, the Fetzer valve doesn't connect to the Johnson rod as would typically be expected, or else I would have gotten it right the first time.

The RV is really nice. It's pretty spacious, has central air, 4 satellite TVs, shower, bathroom and sleeps 11. It's designed really well, and we're eating and sleeping really comfortably.

So far no meltdowns (kids or adult).

One of Ilanas favorite parts of the RV is that once something is in the RV, it's in. We don't have to pack and repack.

We're exhausted, and going to sleep.

Ilana and Mo

Posted 7/13/2016 7:15:08 AM by Mo

RV park in the morning

Posted 7/13/2016 7:15:10 AM by Mo

Heading to the Turkey Hill Ice Cream Experience

(Well, we are. Not sure about him)

Posted 7/13/2016 7:25:06 AM by Mo

Turkey Hill lets you eat all of the ice cream you want for free!!

Rest of the trip cancelled!

Posted 7/13/2016 7:40:08 AM by Mo

Moshe creating his own flavor of ice cream

Posted 7/13/2016 7:55:09 AM by Ilana

See parking lot in the background- that's our RV.

Interact with us!
Just send an email to and it will appear here within minutes
Posted Sunday, July 10, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Big-Sister
great clip!

did you actually WATCH that Robin Williams movie?Just sayin'

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-Akiva
Have a Great Time!

Just got a glimpse of the itinerary and I'm excited for you and the kids (and a bit worried for Elana).I'll be sure to ransack you're house while you're gone.It may sound lame, but I'm actually looking forward to the updates.ENJOY! Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Momma-Bears-Buddy
have fun!

Safe Travels! I can't wait to follow your journey! Enjoy every minute of
it and enjoy being together :)

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-Eytan

This website has just made this trip so much more awesome for me. As discussed, I'd like to see an interactive map with a moving car so I can follow the journey in real time....

Sent from my iPad=

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Momma-Bears-Buddy-Ruchama

Loving the website!! This will be better than National Lampoon's Vacation! Safe travels!! Ruchama

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Zeidy-Bear
Have a Great Time

I don't know if cartoons that come in by e-mail post. If they do there are a lot out there about RV vacations. But have a great time. I love the web site. Love, Daddy.

Posted Monday, July 11, 2016 by Mo-Pretending-To-Be-Someone-Else

I love how the website works so flawlessly on my web browser and mobile device (especially all of the responsive behavior). You must be really smart.

Posted Tuesday, July 12, 2016 by #Sandwire-Bear
The Boehm Family Vacation

This is my new favorite web site! Have a great trip! Adam

Posted Tuesday, July 12, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

Omg!I thought you were kidding!I called your house and no one picked up!Are you actually in a 32 ft rv with my grandchildren?You couldn't get a 50 ft?!How will they get comfortable?im totally against this!COME HOME IMMEDIATELY,LOVE, MOM

Sent from my iPad

Posted Tuesday, July 12, 2016 by Momma-Bears-Buddy-Rivky
I loved Moshe's tour!

That was a great tour Moshe, I think you have a future as a real estate agent. Have a safe trip, love reading your blog updates!
Rivka Breuer (aka Marky's mom)

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Babi-Bear

And the bathroom door doesn't lock?Whats in Pennsylvania?Come home! Love mommy
Sent from my iPad

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

I recognized those cute toes immediately!when are you coming home?!

Sent from my iPad

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by BIL-Bear-Yehudah
Bucket list.

Greetings from Tel Aviv.  Looks like you are having a blast! Definitely  on our bucket list. Glad you're doing it first so we can mooch the itinerary.
Carolyn and Yehuda. 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

Oy! A sugar high!didnt you pack any healthy food?Where was your dear wife the nutritionist?and I'll have you know you do not have any roots in an rv park in Pittsburgh, you come from balbatish people ( who fly)!come home already, it's almost shabbos.Love, mom

Sent from my iPad

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Old Camp Munk Buddy Ephraim

Love this travel-log. Looks like a lot of fun. Keep posting!


Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

Oy! A sugar high!didnt you pack any healthy food?Where was your dear wife the nutritionist?and I'll have you know you do not have any roots in an rv park in Pittsburgh, you come from balbatish people ( who fly)!come home already, it's almost shabbos.Love, mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Momma-Bears-Buddy-Ruchama
Loving this!!

I'm enjoying following you guys on this fun and exciting journey. Just held my breath as I watched Mordechai unloading the unmentionables-Phew! I like how Ilana was no where to be found during that little clip. Smart girl! Have fun and enjoy every minute!!

Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

This was fun?!oy oy oy, come home already,(where the cleaning lady does the dirty work).Love, mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Thursday, July 14, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Big-Sister

Going upstate for Visiting Day...I wonder if I can rent an RV for the sure make it look tempting!

Posted Thursday, July 14, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-Alex

Super enjoyable watching you unload the toilet waste. Good job

Posted Thursday, July 14, 2016 by Moshe

Awesome website! Great Posts!

Posted Thursday, July 14, 2016 by Millin-CFO-Marcel

Did you already sell the rights to your reality tv show? Looking forward to the next episode...

Your trip looks a lot more exciting than mine.

Posted Thursday, July 14, 2016 by Aunt Chana
What fun!

I'm not sure who is having more fun - your web site has me laughing out
loud! That pool sure looks inviting - it's in the mid 90's here.
Can't wait for more.
Love, Aunt Chana

Posted Friday, July 15, 2016 by The Debster


I love your pictures.

Posted Friday, July 15, 2016 by The Debster


So tell me how much coffee & gas cost over there,

Do you want Coffee I’m going to the store.

Posted Friday, July 15, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-YANIV

Uncle Mordechai...I was hoping for some good spilling as you were unloading the "waste"...I just have one question...where are the cards?

Posted Friday, July 15, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you?

When can we expect you to arrive in Luxor?Shabbos at 7:00,7:30 and late Zman 8:20. We are waiting with fresh hot potato kugel and warm baths for the dear grandchildren.Gate is locked at late, mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Friday, July 15, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Big-Sister
Good Shabbos!

Posted Sunday, July 17, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you!

We waited and waited and you and the dear grandchildren didn't show! We were so disappointed!I never knew that there are frum balbatish people in Cincinnati, Cleveland yes, but who do we know in Cincinnati?Did they serve chicken soup with kneidlach or (feh) vegetable soup on shabbos?Chulent or (feh) baked beans?I don't know why you don't come home! Love mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Monday, July 18, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-Eytan

1. You guys should do this more often- it gives the Feldmans something to talk about with our Shabbos guests
2. I look forward to a thorough review of all the Walmarts from here to Illinois
3. Your backyard is doing just fine


Posted Monday, July 18, 2016 by The Debster


Here your coffee.

[Image result for picture of coffee with milk and sugar in a cup]


Debbie Siskin

Posted Monday, July 18, 2016 by Grandma-Bears-Friend-Miriam
You have received a YouTube video!

Couldn't help hummin' this tune..... Gone are the days of " great adventures" amusement park!!! Today, you gotta make your own great adventures!! Original!!!Fantastic!!! Gutsy!!!! Miriam

Posted Tuesday, July 19, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where are you!?

I can't believe it!How could you let the Cubs win?The dear grandchildren must be so disappointed!Its a sign from above that it's time to come home.Love, mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Wednesday, July 20, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Big-Sister

oh no! your trip is almost over! how do you plan to entertain us after this?

Posted Wednesday, July 20, 2016 by Papa-Bears-Buddy-Eytan

Itinerary request-

will there be a Thursday night block party?

Can you bring Aaron and I to shacharis on Friday? I'd love to see you
parallel park this thing or get out of the YIW parking lot.

BTW- good solid use out of all these Yankees hats on this trip-

Posted Wednesday, July 20, 2016 by Babi-Bear
Where a are you?

Did you check out your roots in the Pittsburgh rv park?I told you NO ROOTS In RV Park! Park Ave more likely!Come home already!Love mommy

Sent from my iPad

Posted Thursday, July 21, 2016 by BIL-Bear-Yehudah
Rv trip Aviary

Mordecai, glad to see you broke out the trusty ol' Aviary T-shirt. Even more impressive that it still fits you. ??

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Posted Thursday, July 21, 2016 by Babi-Bear
You're in the neighborhood!

Dorney Park? Come for shabbos! Same schedule as last week! Real beds, indoor hot showers, hot chicken soup w/ kneidlach, hot kiddish in shul,moms gefilte fish.Black hat optional! Love, mom

Posted Friday, July 22, 2016 by Babi-Bear

Yay, we enjoyed your trip vicariously! So glad you had a great time with the kids and the rv,now it's done and over! What next??? Oy, I'm afraid to think!Love, mommy